
Things I wish someone had told me at 18

Last week I wrote about the fear of getting towards 30 and not having achieved things. Since then I have been thinking about things I wish someone had told me before I hit my 20s. Once I started thinking I came up with quite the list, turns out growing up is full of learnings. Nobody…

The Fear of 30

I am 29 years old. There is just over 6 months left until I turn 30. For some reason 30 has always been one of those milestone ages in my mind. When I was a teenager I had thoughts of where I would be when I was 30, what I would be doing and who…

10 Things I Hate About The London Underground #TubeProblems

Living in London means you cannot escape the London Underground. The Tube is often the only way to get around town whether it is going to work or out for some fun. Travelling on the tube is a horrible, degrading, unpleasant experience in so many ways but often it is the other people who make…

Plane Wing

Travel Bucket List

London life is hard work. I work long hours, put up with the inhumanity of daily tube travel and endure spending a small fortune just to get a Starbucks Coffee. My way of getting through is ensuring I always have a holiday booked to look forward to. As soon as I return from one trip…

Teacher at chalkboard

My Greatest Teachers – They made me who I am today

I know a lot of teachers. My mother is a teacher, my sister is a teacher, lots of my uni mates ended up as teachers and I had some absolutely spectacular teachers when I was at school. But they are a profession under siege politically, financially and increasingly from the general public. I very firmly…

Facebook Login

Cambridge Analytica – Should we really be surprised? Or worried?

Nobody can have escaped the news that Facebook data was used by Cambridge Analytica to allegedly attempt to influence the outcome of US and possibly Brexit elections. At the most basic level what Cambridge Analytica did was build a segmentation model based on collecting as much available data as possible to divide people into groups…

Oh Sh** I’ve become a Millennial… An app for every occasion

Do I really always have an app for that?! I’ve never really thought of myself as a Millenial… sure, I was born in the late 80s so the marketing types definitely put me in that bracket, but I never thought I was ‘all about experiences’ or living my life through social media. I am starting…